
Cresheim Creek walk
Walking along Cresheim Creek, the girls mostly walked ahead or stopped to take photos. These days, with people self-isolating, it seems that getting outdoors can be a daily activity that lots of people are enjoying. I started with this photo, and was combining an oil painting process using a wacom tablet in photoshop and then […]

Reflecting on travel to Sausalito in 2019
Mostly I made this map to test linework. The rivers are a bit too thick. I like the terrain. And I like the tree canopy across the East. The dots are places I spent some time. Ironically, it feels like I never go anywhere.It would be nice to look through more photos. One morning though, […]

My walks at Lehigh Gap
When I headed through morning traffic onto the PA Turnpike, I wasn’t sure where I was going to work. Sometimes I like to just stop at the rest stop and work there. Call me weird. But it has wifi and I like the large open space. On a weekday morning there aren’t many people. Hickory […]

In Michaux Forest alone
Pennsylvania has a three day statewide trails and greenways conference every two years. This is what brought me to Shippensburg by way of the beautiful hilly Adams County apple country. And I chose to bring my tent and camp in Michaux State Forest. But first, here are my takeaways from the conference. “Being in nature […]

Eliminating barriers to biking the D&L and East Coast Greenway
If you ask someone what they want, I think a culvert isn’t going to be high on the list for most people. But this culvert provides a hugely important connection between Morrisville and Bristol on the D&L Canal. People don’t know what they’ve been missing! The D&L Canal Towpath starts in Bristol and heads towards […]