Working on parking code revisions
This is a map in progress related to Jenkintown Parking. And a link to add comments.
This is a map in progress related to Jenkintown Parking. And a link to add comments.
The image was from my trip to Rochester, NY and has nothing to do with the following list. Pennsylvania Borough Website links Below is a list of websites for Boroughs in Pennsylvania. You can use CMD-F to search for a site or randomly select one. I made this to help me explore borough websites and […]
During our recent visit to the Netherlands, we stayed in Weesp and often took the train to Amsterdam. Although we had a car, parking was never an issue. The posted speed limits were clear and strictly adhered to. I noticed two-lane roads being converted into a single lane, with bike lanes on both sides. This […]
I’ve worked on my digital watercolor methods as we’ve traveled through Croatia and the Mid-Atlantic (MD, DC, VA and NC). Working fast (a relative term, because these things take time) is important, and my goal is to tell a story or convey a sense of place. I want to humanize the experience of being there. […]
So much is happening at the moment. Today I’ve been looking for a job where I can innovate and collaborate, meeting for coffee with Jim Pinheiro to review a map proof, putting together a presentation for the fall Pennsylvania Greenways conference, helping WikiMapping clients make their sites multi-lingual, working on maps for a history book […]
Before visiting Peru last November, I looked at a guidebook and read a book by Mark Adams, Turn Right at Machu Picchu. I think it’s incredibly useful to research and try to understand a place by making a map. So I made this one today. I used QGIS for most of the process and then […]
I went to Copenhagen recently. There’s a lot I could write about this trip, but I’ll keep this short. I wanted to make a map that shows what area would be useful to me. As someone who likes to bike, walk and ride transit, I created a map that would help me better navigate […]
Last summer, my daughter Kate biked the Oregon and Northern California coast with other 15 and 16 year olds. When she wants to spend time together, she’ll ask if I want to go for a bike ride.Anyway, I made this video with some footage from over the years. I think it misses a lot, but […]
In 1990, I was taking a cartography class at Macalester College. We used a book by David Cuff and Mark Mattson. And a couple of years later, I was fortunate to be in Mark’s Cartography Lab at Temple University. This was the perfect place to spend some of my time. Mark, and students in his […]