Bike trip

Biking to the White House
Insulin resistance and hormone imbalance is a widespread problem in the US It’s a problem for me personally. My fasting glucose was at the upper recommended limit. I went to the doctor and got blood tests. And while the doctor wasn’t concerned, I am. And I set out to do something about it. I’m not […]

Outings to Green Lane and Peace Valley
Green Lane Reservoir and Peace Valley Reservoir both have lots of trails. Green Lane has a developed section with a bandstand, picnic area, small lake and campground. In the surrounding areas, there are miles of rustic hiking, equestrian and mountain bike trails around the reservoir that work well for day hikes. There’s boat rental on […]

Bike to Binghamton from Philadelphia
It’s great to have friends who want to bike north from Philadelphia to Binghamton, New York. I was thinking about this, and it’s about 230 to 240 miles. You can go west through Tunkhannock, past Lake Carey where I lived as a kid. Or you can take the D&H Trail north from Simpson. This is […]

Map of Kate’s bike trip to NYC
Last fall I posted about our bike ride from Jenkintown to New York City. This morning I wanted to make a digital pencil sketch map of the trip. My goal was it give some landmarks and have some sense of geography by using the coastline and major water areas. I’d rather be outside than sitting […]

A simple map of Niagara Falls
I was creating some videos about using MAPublisher, and they were very much “how to” videos that ended up being a half hour and tried to do too much.So I thought about how I might create a short video that is to the point – a video about how useful MAPublisher is when it comes […]

Overnight Bike Ride from Jenkintown and Philadelphia to New York City
My daughter Kate wanted to go bike camping, so we decided to bike to New York City via Philadelphia. We left from Jenkintown, and the route goes through Philadelphia. If you were to bike from Center City, the mileage would be about 3 miles further on the first day. Here is our trip map in […]

My focus as our trip across NY nears
Here’s what I’m listening to these days. Shawn Stevenson’s podcast, The Model Health Show. I feel like he is smart, grounded, and provides a valuable perspective (including episodes related to the virus or social turmoil). Shawn’s from Ferguson, Missouri. And as the experience of racial profiling and more has come to dominate the news, I […]